Address: 19 – 1 st Avenue N.W. - P.O. Box 356 - McLennan, AB T0H 2L0 - Phone: 780-324-3065
BUSINESS - Town of McLennan

Open for Business

Planning on starting a business in McLennan or the Smoky River region. There are many great resources available to you.

Use BizPal to determine which federal and provincial permits and licenses you may require for establishing and operating a business.  In McLennan a business license is required for your business and you may require a development permit. 

 Business Link.  A very useful link for entrepeneurs, business owners or those thinking about starting a business in Alberta. 

The Government of Alberta provides information online for Businesses in Alberta.. Such information as business planning, buying a business, financing, licensing, permits and more can be obtained on the government website.

The Town of McLennan welcomes you to come discuss your business vision as we may be able to assist in making this opportunity happen for you.

Business licenses

Business licenses are permits issued by the municipality and this allow the conduct of business within the town limits. 

To apply for a business license, complete the business License application and submit it to the Town Administration Office. Once the town receives the application it will be reviewed; if approved, fees will then be payable and your license will be issued.

Business License Application form >>