McLennan Public Cemetery
The cemetery is operated and maintained by the Town of McLennan. The McLennan Public Cemetery is a non-denominational cemetery located on the eastern boundaries of the Town, north of Highway 2.
This is a quiet and well-kept cemetery where families can honour and remember a love one. A special designated section has been set aside for Veterans as a Field of Honour and can be identified by the Canadian flags by each headstone placed there year-round in respect by the McLennan Legion Branch #153.
Information regarding plot purchases, monuments and searches can be directed to the Town Hall, Monday through Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm at 780-324-3065.
The cemetery is accessible for visiting at all hours.
Roman Catholic Cemetery
The Roman Catholic Cemetery lies adjacent to the Public Cemetery and is owned and maintained by the Catholic Church. Questions or information regarding the cemetery can be directed to the Cemetery Committee.
Call the Catholic Church at 780-324-3583 or the Archdiocese 780-532-9766